Rolling Text Example

based in Düsseldorf, focuses on book mediums, artistic research, and visual design.


For a Left Populism

Book Design, Cover Artwork

130 × 190 mm, 132 pages
Traditional Chinese

Chantal Mouffe (尚塔爾.墨菲)


Tin Shui YEUNG (楊天帥)

Dr. Yee Lok TAM, Enoch (譚以諾) 
Lina Xie (謝莉娜)

Lina XIE (謝莉娜)
Dr. Yee Lok TAM, Enoch (譚以諾) 


Typesetter Publishing Company
Hong Kong  手民出版社

Printing Consultant

Kathy Cheuk Wing WONG

Graphic Design
Lai Ping SO

Lettering Design

Printing & Production
Suncolor Printing Co., Ltd., Hong Kong

Video & Photography
Wai Lun HSU



For a Left Populism

Published in Sep 2019
ISBN 978-988-14233-9-9

Book Design, Cover Artwork
The red colour was given abundant symbolic values in politics, it was widely seen in all kinds of political products, at different time and in different places. Here on the cover, it was regenerated: no longer deep and gloomy, but conspicuous or even dazzling. The other half of the frame is filled up by silver and black colour, creating a flowing yet profound landscape.

This traditional Chinese edition of For a Left Populism was published in September 2019. Under the context of post-politics in west-Europe, Chantal Mouffe pondered the progress of a ‘Left Populism’.

紅色被賦予富豐政治象徵性,在歷史上常見於各地的政治產物。在這裏給翻新——不再深沉,更奪目、甚至有點刺眼。 畫面的另一半以銀色和黑色營造了一片流動和深遠的場景。

《寫給左翼民粹主義》中文譯本於2019年9月出版。尚塔爾.墨菲(Chantal Mouffe)在西歐的當代後民主的脈絡下思考「左翼民粹主義」該如何前進。

↑ full video of the project

Author   Chantal Mouffe
  Tin Shui YEUNG
    Dr. Yee Lok TAM, Enoch and Lina XIE
Proofread    Lina XIE and  Dr. Yee Lok TAM, Enoch
Publisher   Typesetter Publishing Company, Hong Kong    
Printing Consultant   Kathy Cheuk Wing WONG
Graphic Design   Lai Ping SO
Lettering Design
Printing & Production   Suncolor Printing Co., Ltd., Hong Kong
Video & Photography   Wai Lun Hsu
ISBN 978-988-14233-9-9 


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