尹麗娟|Annie WAN Lai Kuen|アニー.ワン
鄺佩汶|Iris KWONG|アイリス.クォン
淺井忠博|Tadahiro ASAI|淺井 忠博
丁穎茵博士|Dr. Vivian TING|アイリス.クォン
蔡志厚|Thickest CHOI Chi Hau|チハウ.さ
Art Direction, Editorial Design, Graphic Design
蘇麗平|SO Lai Ping|ソー.ライピン
許維倫|HSU Wai Lun|シュー.ワイラム
mmmmor studio|mmmmor スタジオ
尹麗娟|Annie WAN Lai Kuen|アニー.ワン
尹麗娟|Annie WAN Lai Kuen|アニー.ワン
柳鮎美|Ayumi YANAGI|柳 鮎美
談肇峯|Marvin TAM|マーヴィン.タム
蔡志厚|Thickest CHOI Chi Hau|チハウ.さい
Young & Innocent|ヤング & イノセント
格致語言顧問有限公司|KCL Language Consultancy Ltd|KCL ランゲージコンサルタンシー有限会社
香港浸會大學視覺藝術院 視覺藝術研究與發展中心|Centre for Research and Development in Visual Arts, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University|香港バプテス ト 大学視覚芸術アカデミー 視覚芸術研究.発展センター
Printing & Finishing
新世紀印刷實業有限公司|New Century Printing Industrial Limited|新世紀印刷実業有限会社
尹麗娟|Annie WAN Lai Kuen|アニー.ワン
鄺佩汶|Iris KWONG|アイリス.クォン
淺井忠博|Tadahiro ASAI|淺井 忠博
丁穎茵博士|Dr. Vivian TING|アイリス.クォン
蔡志厚|Thickest CHOI Chi Hau|チハウ.さ
Art Direction, Editorial Design, Graphic Design
蘇麗平|SO Lai Ping|ソー.ライピン
許維倫|HSU Wai Lun|シュー.ワイラム
mmmmor studio|mmmmor スタジオ
尹麗娟|Annie WAN Lai Kuen|アニー.ワン
尹麗娟|Annie WAN Lai Kuen|アニー.ワン
柳鮎美|Ayumi YANAGI|柳 鮎美
談肇峯|Marvin TAM|マーヴィン.タム
蔡志厚|Thickest CHOI Chi Hau|チハウ.さい
Young & Innocent|ヤング & イノセント
格致語言顧問有限公司|KCL Language Consultancy Ltd|KCL ランゲージコンサルタンシー有限会社
香港浸會大學視覺藝術院 視覺藝術研究與發展中心|Centre for Research and Development in Visual Arts, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University|香港バプテス ト 大学視覚芸術アカデミー 視覚芸術研究.発展センター
Printing & Finishing
新世紀印刷實業有限公司|New Century Printing Industrial Limited|新世紀印刷実業有限会社
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
Published in Sep 2022
ISBN 978-988-19665-0-6
ISBN 978-988-19665-0-6
Cover Artwork, Book Concept, Editorial Design, Layout & Typography

This book documents the art residency project of ceramics artist Annie Wan in Tsunan, Japan, where she explored the local residents' relationship with food and how it shapes their perspective on life. The cover art features a visual representation of rice, a staple food in East Asian culture, as a metaphor for the concept of "itadakimasu" (gratitude before meals) and thankfulness for food.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread follows the journey of the project, including the exploration, interviews, ceramics works, illustrations, and a dining party with Tsunan residents. The book is designed to accommodate trilingual content in Japanese, English, and Traditional Chinese through carefully arranged typography. Overall, this book offers a thought-provoking look at the intersection of food, culture, and identity.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread follows the journey of the project, including the exploration, interviews, ceramics works, illustrations, and a dining party with Tsunan residents. The book is designed to accommodate trilingual content in Japanese, English, and Traditional Chinese through carefully arranged typography. Overall, this book offers a thought-provoking look at the intersection of food, culture, and identity.

↑ full video of the project
Artist/Coordinator Annie WAN Lai Kuen
Publisher Centre for Research and Development in Visual Arts, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Editor Thickest CHOI Chi Hau
Art Direction, Editorial Design, Graphic Design Lai Ping SO & Wai Lun HSU
Illustration Annie WAN Lai Kuen
Printing & Finishing New Century Printing Industrial Limited
Publisher Centre for Research and Development in Visual Arts, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Editor Thickest CHOI Chi Hau
Art Direction, Editorial Design, Graphic Design Lai Ping SO & Wai Lun HSU
Illustration Annie WAN Lai Kuen
Printing & Finishing New Century Printing Industrial Limited